
Numbers were up over 8,000 head for a total yarding of 26,455 sheep and lambs at Katanning for our last sale before the Christmas break.
The yarding was dominated by store sheep but all processor types and weights sold well. Heavy mutton remained firm to $10 up on last
week, selling to $192/head. Lamb prices fluctuated with demand and quality remained mainly firm on last sale. New season heavy lambs
topped at $178/head.

New season light weight lambs sold from $15 to $75/head with an abundance of very light lambs offered. New season lambs including
Merinos saw air freight weights under 16kg sell from $80 to $115 to processors and from $69 to $118 to feeder buyers, whilst the live export paid from $100 to $121/head. Heavier lambs under 18kg made from $109 to $139 to processors, $114 to $125 to feeder buyers and $121 to $135/head to export. Trade weight lambs sold from $122 to $163 and a small selection of heavy lambs made from $160 to $178/head. Young hoggets returned $137 to $160 for the heavier weights while stores and lighter weights sold from $65 to $144/head.
Young merino ewes sold to processors from $88 to $170 while restockers paid from $73 to $159/head depending on frame and quality.

Heavy ewes over 30 kg cwt remained steady at 550c/kg cwt, to sell from $170 to $192 while the lighter 24 to 30kg sheep sold from $131 to
$181/head. Medium weight and good boning ewes under 24kg sold from $95 to $148 while light weight ewes made from $30 for very small
poor conditioned ewes up to $95/head to processors. Heavy mature wethers lifted to sell from $170 to $192 while lighter weights made from $78 to $170/head. Young rams gained, selling to processors from $40 to $102 while mature and store rams returned from $10 to $30/head.

Ram lambs made from $75 to $137 with quality and weights down on last week.

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