
Horsham Lamb Market Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

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Report Date: 11th December 2024

Total Yarding: 8,100


A drop in both lamb and sheep numbers with 4,650 lambs and 3,450 sheep yarded this week for the last sale of 2024. Quality was mixed with more shorn lambs being yarded. The usual buying group attended and operated keenly in a strong market with most lambs selling from $5 to $10/head up on last week. The medium and heavy trade weight unshorn lambs sold from $195 to $238 with heavier weights selling to $260/head. Shorn lambs sold from $177 to $254/head for the trade and export weights. Merino lambs sold from $74 to $131/head. Restockers paid from $42 to $84 and from $61 to $133/head for shorn lambs. The sheep offering covered all weights and grades with sheep selling to stronger demand. They sold from around firm to $10 head up on last week making close to 500c/kg at times.

Light unshorn lambs sold from $90 to $146/head averaging 780c/kg cwt. Light trade weights sold from $165 to $193/head to average 830c/kg cwt. Medium trade weights sold lambs sold from $195 to $224/head to average 875c/kg cwt. Heavy trade weights sold from $226 to $238/head and averaged 880c/kg cwt. Export weights sold to $260/head and averaged 875c/kg cwt. Light weight shorn lambs sold from $120 to $165/head averaging 820c/kg cwt. Medium and heavy weight shorn lambs sold from $177 to $254/head and averaged from 860c to 880c/kg cwt. Dorper lambs sold from $148 to $205/head. Hogetts sold to $126/head.

Very light sheep sold from $22 to $50/head. Light weight sheep sold from $60 to $83/head to average 430c/kg cwt. Medium weight sheep sold from $60 to $122/head with the Merino mutton averaging 480c and the crossbreds 370c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino sheep sold from $120 to $140 with the wethers selling from $125 to $168/head, the heavy Merino sheep ranged from 430c to 460c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred sheep sold from $90 to $153/head to average 360c/kg cwt. Rams sold from $6 to $42/head.

Market Reporter – Graham Pymer.

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