
Cowra Sheep Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Lamb marking products on sale

Report Date: 18th December 2024

Total Yarding: 2,450


Lamb numbers were similar and quality was particularly good for the shorn lines. There were mainly trades penned while heavy weights were limited in supply and a few stores were offered. All the buyers were operating and competition was strong with the market experiencing and much dearer trend.

Light lambs to the processors sold from $158 to $161 while stores sold from $75 to $135 down $10/head. Medium and heavy trade weight lambs were $11 to $20/head dearer and averaged from 850c to 965c/kg cwt. Heavy trade 23 to 24kg sold from $209 to $236/head.

Heavy weight lambs were dearer by $20 to $25/head and averaged 965c to 990c/kg cwt. Heavy weight lambs sold from $244 to $248 while extra heavies sold from $250 to $263/head.

Mutton numbers fell and quality was varied with prices holding firm. Heavy Merino ewes sold to $105 averaging 365c/kg cwt while heavy first cross ewes sold to $118/head or 385c/kg cwt.

Market Reporter; Rob Pearce

CBH Fertiliser

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