
Set up and manage your prices

Control who can see your prices

Negotiate directly and in real time

Get your contracts signed

Increased team visibility

Quickly create price grids or upload your own.

Use our buyer portal to easily create and manage your prices with specific livestock requirements and terms. Set your price type (over-the-hook, liveweight or $/head), breeds, weight, dentition, delivery requirements and more.

Take control of who can see your prices.

Use our Private Pricing feature if you want to limit who can see your price or Public Pricing to release it to the thousands of sellers using the Agora Livestoc Markets app.

Take control of who can see your prices.

Use our Private Pricing feature if you want to limit who can see your price or Public Pricing to release it to the thousands of sellers using the Agora Livestoc Markets app.

Get offers from producers and agents in real time

If a producers or agents can see your prices, they can send you an offes via the Agora Livestock Markets app. Then you can call and negotiate with them in real time to see if the stock they have is right for you.

Digital contracting

Gert rid of paper, SMS, verbal and handshake agreements and any ambiguity about what you’re buying. Once you’ve agreed with the producer or agent on what you’re buying, get a contract signed with our digital contracting platform.

Digital contracts

Gert rid of paper, SMS, verbal and handshake agreements and any ambiguity about what you’re buying. Once you’ve agreed with the producer or agent on what you’re buying, get a contract signed with our digital contracting platform.

COMING SOON – Booking calendar

Quickly create and view the bookings you have with producers and agents.

Join Agora livestock for free

Jump on our free trial now to unlock all the features and transform your business for good. You can cancel or adjust the plan any time.

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