
Bairnsdale Cattle Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Keep The Sheep

Report Date: 26th July 2024

Total Yarding: 825


There were approximately 820 head penned representing a decrease of 85 head from the sale of a fortnight ago. Quality was limited in the steer section with no heavy yearlings to quote while the heifer portion held some quality pens of lighter weight calves. Buyers were operating from across Gippsland and there was some limited feeder demand. Prices were up to $250/head dearer with the heifers seeing the best results.

The top of the weaner steers made $1,460/head for 12 Angus crosses weighed at 349kg or 418c/kg. The top of the yearling steers made $1,400/head for 8 crossbreds weighed at 397kg or 353c/kg. The top of the weaner heifers made $1,110/head for 10 Angus weighed at 308kg or 360c/kg. The top of the yearling heifers made $1,410/head for 5 crossbreds weighed at 465kg or 301c/kg. A reasonable selection of cows with calves at foot sold from $1,380 to $1,760/outfit. A few pens of dry store cows made from $1,200 to $1,400/head.

Market reporter: Brendan Fletcher.

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