Bendigo Sheep Report
Report Date: 10th February 2025
Total Yarding: 26,295
Few less lambs at 15,140 head but a better lead with more grain fed export weights starting to appear. The usual orders attended but not all were active in a sale that opened soft before gaining some traction late. The overall mood from the buying group was selective. Heaviest export lambs were $5 to $10/head easier. Trade lambs were similar to a few dollars easier, while plainer light lambs were cheaper amid less restocker interest on the plain types. Store buyers showed more preference for lambs with enough size and frame to go onto feed.
Heaviest export lambs sold to $285 for an estimated 36kg cwt. The lead runs of heavy fed lambs mostly $230 to $270/head at a ballpark cost of 775c/kg cwt to processors. Once under 30kg cwt it started to become a two-speed market again for lambs depending on fat cover and skin presentation. The neatest heavy trade and trade lambs tracked either side of 800c/kg cwt, but anything slightly off was pulled back to between 700c to 750c/kg cwt. There were lambs which sold below 700c/kg at times. In dollars heavy crossbred lambs, 26-30kg cwt, $192 to $225/head; heavy trades $174 to $205/head; general run of trades $160 to $193/head – the shandied average cost across all these categories was about 750c/kg cwt. Only a few pens of well finished Merino lambs were available, the best heavy trades with fat cover and a nice skin to $223/head. Quality lines of store lambs were similar at $120 to $150/head; very light lambs including plainer MK types were cheaper at $50 to $115/head.
Sheep numbers lifted to 11,155 head and all weights and grades were represented. Price results were mixed. Competition for very light sheep was weak at $23 to $50/head in a cheaper result. Quality heavy mutton held its value better at $100 to a top of $152/head. The price guide for mutton was 330c to 400c/kg cwt.
Market reporter: Jenny Kelly.
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