
Casino Cattle Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Report Date: 24th July 2024

Total Yarding: 2,170


Large numbers of weaner cattle continue to be yarded in an offering of 2,170 head, which included a good supply of cows. Quality continues to deteriate with increased numbers of plain conditioned young cattle being sold, although there was several lines of well bred weaner steers and heifers through the sale.

The weaner market varied through out the sale with not all the usual buyers operating,resulting in weaners selling firm to 20c cheaper depending on weight and quality. Restocker weaner steers sold from 336c to 398c to average 334c to 346c/kg. Restocker weaner heifers sold from 200c to 340c/kg which was dearer for the better quality heifers. Yearling steers to feed and restock sold from 300c to 338c/kg.

The yarding of export cattle consisted mainly of cows, along with a small penning of grown steers and heifers. Grown steers sold to a top of 300c while heifers sold to 286c/kg. The mixed yarding of cows saw medium and heavy weights hold firm, however plain conditioned cows were 5c/kg cheaper some sales more. Medium 2 score cows sold from 228c to 259c, while 3 score medium weights averaged 264c and 4 score cows ranged from 272c to 292c/kg.

Report compiled by
Doug Robson

CBH Fertiliser

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