
Charters Towers Cattle Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Keep The Sheep

Report Date:  24th July 2024

Total Yarding: 2,909


Supply increased by 721 for a yarding of 2909 cattle. Quality was good for the majority, comprising of increased numbers of prime cattle including 900 cows, supported by some good quality lines of store cattle. All regular processors were active along with one southern operator, one live exporter, feeder and opportunity restockers and backgrounders. Cattle were drawn from Burketown to Georgetown, south to The Belyando and the local area.

Values improved by 2-10c on most categories with strong demand for heavier better yielding prime cattle, however young lightweight cattle met limited demand and were difficult to sell.

Very good quality suitably weaned steers returning to the paddock sold to 300c, a good sample averaging 257c, plainer types averaged 240c/kg. Good quality weaned heifers sold to 230c/kg. Yearling steers above 200kg returning to grass made to 252c, those to live export made to 262c to average 236c/kg, while steers above 330kg to live export made to 250c to average 248c/kg. Good quality steers above 330kg to feed topped at 280c to average 260c/kg. Yearling heifers above 200kg to backgrounders sold to 200c to average 167c, heifers to feed averaged 211c/kg, with those above 280kg averaging 233c/kg.

Grown steers above 400kg to feed sold to 280c to average 260, steers suitable for live export also reached 280c to average 268c/kg. Heavy grown steers to the trade made to 278c to average 267c/kg. Yearling heifers to the trade topped at 286c, a good supply of grown heifers to processors sold to 252c to average 233c/kg.

An increased supply of heavy bullocks to export slaughter topped at 286c to average near 280c/kg. Lightweight 2 score cows to processors made to 222 to average 189c, medium weight 2 scores cows sold to 230c and 3 scores sold to 268c to average from 241c to 253c/kg. A good sample of prime heavyweight cows topped at 274c to average 261c/kg. Heavy bulls to live export sold to 270c and those to feed destined for live export made to 264c/kg.

Good quality cows and calves sold from $750 to $1,200 per unit.

Market Reporter, Mick Kingham

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