CVLX Ballarat Sheep Report
Report Date: 14th January 2025
Total Yarding: 48,000
Interim Lamb report.
Lamb numbers dropped considerably to 33,000 drawn for. Quality varied throughout the yarding, a large portion lighter weights and plainer secondary types, however there were large runs of very well bred light store lambs that gained interest from feeders and restockers. All the usual buying group attended in a market that had mixed results. Light store lambs sold dearer over the better quality larger lots then soften on the smaller plainer lots to be firm to $5/head Cheaper. Light trade sold $5 to 10/head softer. Medium trade sold to $5 dearer for the shorn well finish types and $4/head softer for the plainer lambs. Heavy trade gained $5 to $8/head for the better quality and plainer lots sold firm. Extra heavy export lambs had a limited offering and sold to $300/head selling to $8 stronger.
Lambs back to the paddock made from $81 to $156 and $147 to 176/head to feed on. Light trade lambs under 18kg to suit MK orders sold from $103 to 153/head, averaging 720c to 810c/kg cwt. Trade lambs 18 to 22kg sold from $146 to $194/head, 22 to 26kg sold $182 to $236/head, to average 810c to 880c/kg cwt. Heavy export lambs over 26kg made from $230 to $300/head, to average of 850c to 865c/kg cwt. Hoggets from $50 to $132 for the Merino’s and $89 to $194/head for the crossbreds.
Still 2 agent to sell lambs and 14,000 sheep to be sold.
Market reporter: Sheona Lamb
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