
Dalby Cattle Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Report Date: 24th July 2024

Total Yarding: 6,703


Interim Report. The number of stock at Dalby increased again this week with agents penning 6,703 head 1,407 more than the previous sale. A good sample of 1,294 from far Western Queensland along with 130 from New South Wales and 49 head from South Australia. Export buyer attendance was good and included in the line up were some additional local operators as well as southern buyers.

Heavyweight yearling steers to feed at the time of this interim report have averaged 10c to 15c/kg better. Heavyweight yearling heifers to feed generally sold to strong demand. Bullocks to export slaughter experienced very little change in price. Medium weight 2 score cows could not maintain the levels of the previous week. Heavyweight cows were cheaper in places however high yielding classes from Western districts met very strong competition.

Heavyweight yearling steers 400 to 480kg to feed made to 376c and the over 480kg lines made to 372c to average 367c/kg. Heavyweight yearling heifers to feed made to 346c to average 312c/kg.

Bullocks averaged 330c with some over 750kg making to 335c/kg. Medium weight 2 score cows averaged 233c/kg. Heavyweight 3 scores averaged 273c and made to 289c/kg. Good heavyweight cows averaged 300c with some from the west making to 318c/kg. Heavyweight bulls made to 291c/kg.

Market Reporter, Trevor Hess.

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