
Emerald Cattle Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Report Date: 1st August 2024

Total Yarding: 995


Numbers halved at Emerald sale this week, with 995 head penned from local districts plus a few from further afield. There was a big percentage of cows and processor heifers on offer with smaller numbers of feeder and restocker cattle. Prices eased in most categories.
Yearling steers were lightly supplied selling to 277c/kg. Yearling heifers were also only in light supply selling to 259c/kg to average 247c to 251c/kg for the heavier classes.

Grown steers and bullocks reached a top of 308c to 315c/kg for the best presented pens. Grown heifers sold to processor interests to a top price of 278c/kg to average 260c to 267c/kg.

Heavy, four score processor cows averaged 242c/kg with a top of 267c/kg. Heavy bulls averaged 256c/kg to Livex buyers with those to processors averaging 200c/kg.
Reporter: Richard Thomson

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