Gunnedah Cattle Report
Report Date: 11th March 2025
Total Yarding: 950
There was a substantial fall in numbers on the back of a strong rain event that has yet to eventuate across the drawing area. There were some good lines of vealers and yearlings in an otherwise mixed quality penning. The condition of the offering showed the effects of a less than desirable season with a large percentage unfinished. There was reduced processor competition while most of the regular feedlot and restocker orders were in place.
Vealer steers to restockers averaged cheaper than the previous sale with both breed and quality contributing. Similar quality cattle to the previous week experienced little change. The heifer portion saw a slightly dearer trend. Medium weight yearling steers saw a firm to slightly cheaper trend, again breed and quality contributing. The heavy feeders conversely saw trends firm to a shade dearer. Medium weight yearling heifers to restock and feed sold on a market that eased a little. Once again the heavy weights to feed improved slightly with some strong breed related gains.
A small number of heavy grown steers sold to a dearer trend with the best of the grown heifers also showing a dearer trend. Following some big falls in the market over the previous few weeks the cow market saw a dearer trend of up to 6c/kg on a much smaller supply.
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