
Hamilton Sheep Market Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

CBH Fertiliser

Report Date: 18th December 2024

Total Yarding: 41,000


Hamilton agents yarded 41000 lambs which was 22000 back on last week’s offering. Again an excellent quality offering overall with a run of smaller lighter weights and dryer tail as expected. Not all buyers who attended were active. Heavier lambs with weight and finish were dearer by $10 to $20/head and more on selected pens but overall the market displayed continued strength on most grades of lamb. Best competition in any weight category was 3 score with finish. Secondary trade lambs were a little erratic but still improved $10 to $15/head.

There was very strong feeder and restocker competition which assisted the market with the lighter weights with these lambs realizing between 800 and 900c/kg cwt with the competition here coming from local producers along with operators from Ballarat, Bendigo, South Australia and The Wimmera. Well finished lambs to the trade realized between 900 and 1050c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs topped at $330/head.

Light new season lambs 12 to 16kg sold from $116 to $163/head with trade lambs 18 to 22kg selling from $165 to $214/head. Lambs 22 to 26kg made from $210 to $269/head. Good shorn suckers topped at $278/head. Hoggets to $151 and the top lamb price $330/head.

Market reporter Chris Agnew.

Brendan Wade – LMO Manager P: +61 (7) 3620 5223 M: +61 439 663 060

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