
Leongatha Cattle Market Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

CBH Fertiliser

Report Date: 25th July 2024

Total Yarding: 4,720


There were approximately 4720 head penned representing an increase of 1850 head from the sale of a fortnight ago. Quality was excellent in the first run with large lines of one mark breeders calves headed up by more than 1,000 Angus yearling steers over 400kg. Competition heated up following recent gains seen in prime markets and feedlots were leading the way on the heavy end of the offering. Locals operating on the lighter end of the draft met with competition from across Victoria and interstate. Prices throughout the sale lifted in the order of $100 to $200/head across most categories with some isolated sales exceeding this result.

The top of the weaner steers made $1,900/head for 18 Angus weighed at 399kg or 476c/kg. The average for this category was $1,575/head and 432c/kg at 364kg. The top of the yearling steers made $2,380/head for 16 Angus weighed at 598kg or 398c/kg. The average for this category was $2,095/head and 422c/kg at 496kg. There was a good offering of Angus steers over 600kg which sold from $2,000 to $2500 with the best at $2,450/head for 22 weighed at 606kg or 404c/kg.

The top of the weaner heifers made $1,530/head for 26 Angus weighed at 397kg or 385c/kg. The top of the yearling heifers made $1,600/head for 22 Angus weighed at 440kg or 364c/kg. A small offering of cows with calves at foot was lacking in quality and sold from $1,060 to $1,850/outfit.

Market reporter: Brendan Fletcher.

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