
Moss Vale Cattle Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Report Date: 24th July 2024

Total Yarding: 1,123


There were some outstanding runs of medium weight feeder steers reaching 406c, and some high yielding yearling steers to process topping at 438c/kg, in a yarding of 1123 good quality cattle, a decrease of 330 head. Young cattle returning to the paddock or the feedlot made up almost half of the offering, along with some good pens of heavy grown cattle and 122 cows. All the usual buyers were operating, selling to a strong market.

Yearlings to suit the trade were considerably dearer, selling from 254c to 438c/kg. Feeder steers were also much dearer, with the steers ranging from 284c to 406c, and lightweight heifers to feed reached 358c/kg. Young cattle selling to the restockers continue to attract strong interest, with the steers making from 265c to 438c, and the heifers selling from 216c to 344c/kg.

Heavy grown steers were a few cents better, ranging from 275c to 375c, and the heifers were firm, selling from 240c to 355c/kg. Leaner cows lifted 4c, selling from 170c to 288c, and heavy prime cows did not make the highs of previous sales, topping at 324c/kg. Heavy bulls to process were dearer, selling from 232c to 288c/kg.
David Kent Market Reporter

CBH Fertiliser

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