
Mt Gambier Cattle Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Keep The Sheep

Report Date: 24th July 2024

Total Yarding: 394


Numbers eased at Mt Gambier this week as agents offered 394 head of liveweight and open auction cattle. These sold to a similar number of trade buyers as the week before as one dropped out to be replaced by another with feeders highly active over the pens. Quality dipped with a wintry offering in a mixed market for price.

Yearling numbers were small as feeders took all of these with the steers ranging from 210c to 342c and heifers from 284c to 335c/kg.

Grown steers were smaller in number and quality dropped away as they returned from 310c to 375c to ease up to 20c as feeders operated from 346c to 400c with a lift for these cattle of 8c/kg. Grown heifers were sought after by the trade with a lift here of up to 20c with these selling from 308c to 375c with feeder activity from 220c to 370c/kg. Manufacturing steers sold from 220c to 309c/kg.

Heavy cows eased up to 15c as they sold from 285c to 343c as lighter lots returned from 120c to 296c while the bulls received the largest lift in price of 50c to 60c as they ranged from 250c to 310c/kg.

Market Reporter Peter Kerr

Keep The Sheep
CBH Fertiliser

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