
Mt Gambier Sheep Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Lamb marking products on sale

 Report Date: 18th December 2024

Total Yarding: 3,250


Lamb numbers eased but more sheep came forward as agents yarded 2,827 lambs and 423 sheep to total a combined 3,250 head overall. These sold to the regular field of trade and processor buyers with a small number of active restocker orders. Quality was generally good with a pen of massive new season lambs breaking the $300 mark to sell for $302 in a market that was fully firm to dearer with most sales ranging from 880c to 940c/kg cwt.
Light lambs to the trade sold from $125 to $155 as light trade lots returned from $141 to $168/head. Restockers operated from $114 to $141/head. Tradeweight lambs sold from $168 to $216 as heavy lambs ranged from $222 to $240/head. The extra heavy lambs were well represented as they sold from mostly $236 to $282 as the one pen reached $302/head to top the sale.
Hoggets reached $120 and wethers sold from $90 to $110/head. Light ewes returned from $60 to $91 with heavier lots making from $88 to $114 as rams sold to $20/head.
Market Reporter Peter Kerr

CBH Fertiliser

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