
Muchea Cattle Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Report Date: 22nd July 2024

Total Yarding: 374


Muchea was very short in stock supplies with only 374 between both the liveweight and calf sales. The liveweight sale consisted mainly of feeder and paddock quality yearlings and weaners and only the odd pen of slaughter weights amongst the cows and grown steers. The buyer gallery was fairly well represented but selective on light framed calves lacking cover easing in value with quality also playing a part. Better bred calves held values better and heavier framed yearling steers and heifers gained up to 20c/kg. Heavy cows held firm while feeder weight cows dropped back in values.

Vealer steers ranged from 150c to 336c while vealer heifers made 128c to 236c/kg. Yearling steers sold from 172c to 338c and Yearling heifers from 108c to 320c/kg. Pastoral calves were mostly light framed steers, heifers and bulls and struggled to attract bids at times with the better steers selling from 150c to 264c and better heifers from 84c to 192c/kg.

Grown steers returned 220c to 254c while grown heifers averaged 220c/kg. Light cows eased up to 40c selling from 20c to 168c, medium cows from 150c to 234c and prime cows realized 246c/kg.

Store bulls started at 66c up to 198c while Shipping bulls ranged from 170c to 228c and slaughter bulls remaining firm selling from 158c to 222c/kg.

Market reporter Terry Birkin.

CBH Fertiliser

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