
Naracoorte Cattle Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Report Date: 23rd July 2024

Total Yarding: 497


Only a slight change in supply at 497 cattle, but a noticeable decline in quality with the offering slipping to a genuine winter yarding of plainer conditioned types. Prices generally tracked within the range of a week ago, cows selling to a top of 354c to match the peak of last Tuesday, while the best trade yearlings topped at 420c/kg. There was a jump in bull prices with rates lifting by more than 50c on recent markets to a top of 328c/kg. The make up of the yarding was 202 cows, 219 young steers and heifers, 24 bulls and 50 light cattle that were sold open auction.

Just four pens of trade cattle sold above 400c to a top of 420c/kg for steers and 405c for a heavy heifer. The bulk of the yearlings trended in a range of 320c to 380c/kg, selling to a mix of processors plus some feedlot and restocking competition. Plainer bred and shaped types remained in the sub $3 price range, mostly 220c to 280c. The average for the 219 mixed yearling cattle sold was 330c/kg for a return of $1486.60 per head, according to saleyard data.

Cows dominated in the export run and the the lead types sold from 300c to 338c/kg with just a few sales higher to a peak of 354c/kg. Lighter and leaner cows mostly 200c to 260c/kg. The overall result for 202 cows sold was an average of 302c or $1663 per head. The bull section came to life to carry the nicely weighted and high yielding types above 300c/kg. There was only a limited run of heavy steers, the best in the 500-600kg category selling to 398c and averaging 377c on sparse supply.

Report compiled remotely by Jenny Kelly

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