Naracoorte Cattle Report
Report Date: 11th February 2025
Total Yarding: 1,288
Numbers eased at Naracoorte today as agents offered 1,288 head of liveweight and open auction cattle. These sold to the usual array of trade and processor buyers along with feeder and some restocker support. Quality was very mixed with something to suit all orders as the market sold to mainly cheaper rates.
Yearling steers sold to the trade from 298c to 360c as similar heifers returned from 295c to 333c/kg. Feeders sought steers from 245c to 325c and heifers from 252c to 302c with some restocker activity on steers from 220c to 305c/kg.
Grown steers and bullocks ranged from 310c to 345c to trade buyers losing up to 20c as feeders operated from 305c to 345c/kg. Grown heifers attracted the trade from 280c to 326c and feeders from 286c to 328c/kg.
Heavy cows sold from 255c to 300c to drop up to 14c as lighter lots sold from 200c to 258c/kg. Heavy bulls sold from 230c to 316c as lighter pens made from 290c to 330c/kg.
Market Reporter Peter Kerr
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