Naracoorte Sheep Market Report
Report Date: 11th February 2025
Total Yarding: 5,200
Numbers dropped away as agents yarded 4,828 lambs and just 372 sheep to total a combined 5,200 head overall. These sold to the usual field of trade and processor buyers along with a number of active restocker orders. Quality was mixed at best with a large number of secondary lots on offer as the market sold from firm to cheaper rates with a range of 700c to 750c/kg covering the better sales.
Light lambs sold from $75 to $112 as the light trade types made from $112 to $151/head. Restockers turned lambs back out from $40 to $156/head. A small offering of trade lambs sold from $150 to $160 as heavy pens made from $160 to $201 with the few extra heavy lots returning from $188 to the high of $219/head.
Hoggets made from $105 to $130 as light sheep sold from $16 to $47/head. Medium weighted sheep ranged from $63 to $90 as heavy lots returned from $85 to the high of $117 as rams made up to $5/head.
Market Reporter Peter Kerr
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