
SA Livestock Exchange Cattle Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Report Date: 16th July 2024

Total Yarding: 255


Numbers increased this week as agents offered 255 liveweight and open auction cattle.
The usual buyers were in attendance and operating along with feeders and restockers and an additional buyer in the cow run. Quality was only fair to average however prices remained generally firm to marginally dearer on the few suitable trade cattle with heavy cows peaking at 300c/kg.

Vealer steers sold from 160c to 358c as vealer heifers ranged from 200c to 320c/kg. Yearling steers sold from 254c to 386c with yearling heifers fetching 220c to 318c/kg.

Cows sold from 218c to 300c/kg.
Market reporter: John Traeger.

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