
Swan Hill Sheep Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Keep The Sheep

Report Date: 22nd June 2023

Total Yarding: 3,300


Small yarding despite Swan Hill cancelling its previous market due to wet weather. The yarding has a reasonable lead of heavy fed lambs but quality faded out into smaller and lighter lambs including some Dorpers and Merinos. Demand was weak and the sale was quoted as significantly cheaper than the last sale at Swan Hill as the market was realigned with current values.

Competition for heavy lambs was at lower levels, the sale posting a top of $175 and less than 10 pens selling above $160. There was a lot of trade and heavy trade lambs from $110 to $150/head. The quote estimated by agents was a range of 440c to 550c/kg cwt for the majority of sales to processors. Small lambs showing some frame and quality mostly $50 to $90/head.

Limited sheep yarding which sold to $68 for crossbred ewes.

Reported compiled remotely by Jenny Kelly.

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