
TRLX Tamworth Sheep Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Keep The Sheep

Report Date: 22nd July 2024

Total Yarding: 6,100


The very strong market of the last week saw numbers increase in both the sheep and lamb offerings. The quality of the lambs was fair to very good with medium and heavy weights well supplied. There were also the usual lines of plainer condition and secondary quality lambs penned. The usual processors were in attendance however there was limited restocker competition.

The small number of lambs suitable to restockers were a shade dearer with quality contributing. Trends for lambs to process were generally cheaper. The plainer condition and secondary lambs were less affected than the well finished lines with most heading into export markets. The falls in the market for well finished lambs increased as weights increased with the heavy and extra heavy weight classes seeing falls of as much as $30 per head.

The quality and condition of the sheep penned also showed great variation. Again processor demand was weaker with trends cheaper. The plainer condition light and medium weights were most affected while the well finished medium and heavy weights saw less of a fall.

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