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Agora Livestock app
Agora Buyer Portal
How do I see saleyard reports?

Saleyard reports can be viewed by tapping the Saleyards icon in the bottom menu in the app.

You can filter by stock type and state and receive notifications when a new report is released by bookmarking the report (tapping the pink icon in the top right hand corner of the report tile)

Saleyard reports can also be viewed on the website.

How do I search, filter and save prices?

Tap the "Prices" icon in the bottom menu and "New search". Enter the parameters of the stock prices you are after and tap "Show prices".

Next tap "Save this search" to receive notifications of new prices that fit your search criteria. 



How do I contact a buyer about a price?

When you see a price and want more info - press the "Request Booking" button, give the buyer a description of the stock you have (quantity, weights, sec, breeds, fat scores, price expectations) and press "Submit request". This will send an email straight to the buyer.

How do I get alerts when new prices become available?

Simply save a search. You will receive a push notification when a new price becomes available that matches your saved search.

I'm getting too many alerts - how do I get turn alerts off

For saleyard alerts: go the the Saleyards tab and remove the pink bookmark for reports you dont want to receive alerts for.
For prices matching a saved search: when a new price matches one of your saved searches (found in the Prices tab under Saved Searches at the top of the screen) you will receive an alert. Edit or delete your saved searches to control what alerts you receive. 
For price updates: if you don't want alerts on existing price listings (eg a change in price or delivery date) - remove the bookmark for that price in 

How do I setup price grids?

Click Prices in the "Create and manage your prices" section on your home screen.

Alternatively you can click the "Prices" icon in the menu on the left hand side. Then click "Add new price."

Complete the details and enter your grid. Feel free to call us for help if needed (1300 812 345) or via the chat pop up on your page.

What can sellers see in the App?

Sellers are able to see all of your prices which are published as a public price. If you set up private prices, only sellers you have added as contacts will be able to see them. Sellers are also able to filter by buyer, save searches and watch specific prices. If they are watching one of your prices and you update and broadcast it, they will get a notification alerting them to the update.

How do I add sellers to my contact list?

In the home screen under Build your contact list, click Contacts. 

Then click "add new contact" at the bottom of your screen.

Alternatively you can click the contacts tab in the left hand side menu and "add new contact"

You can add and share prices with contacts even if they aren't using the Agora Livestock Markets app. They will simply receive an email or SMS of your grid.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

contact us.