
Armidale Cattle Sales

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Report Date: 18th July 2024

Total Yarding: 1,060


The numbers increased as producers took an opportunity to offload on what has been a rising market. There was a good supply of well finished heavy weight cattle including cows. There were also quite a few cattle showing the effects of winter with feed quality not as good. There was a mixed quality penning of young cattle. The full field of processors along with an extra Southern cow buyer operated alongside the usual restocker and feedlot orders.

The majority of the young cattle saw dearer market trends with restockers active on lighter weights. The weaner steers improved by as much as 20c/kg in the fortnight while the heifer portion saw a greater improvement. Medium and heavy weight yearling steers to restock and feed also saw a dearer trend of 20c to 30c/kg. Light and medium weight yearling heifers showed little change with buyers showing a preference for steers. Heavy weight heifers suitable to feed attracted keen competition and sold to a dearer trend. Quality was the major factor in any negative price change through the young cattle.

Well finished heavy weight steers over 500kg sold to dearer trends with processor competition strong. The well finished grown heifers followed a similar trend. Heifers suitable to feed with potential to carry plenty of weight met with increased demand. Well finished cows under high demand and increased competition sold to a significantly dearer trend. The plain condition cows also posted strong gains with restockers also active. Heavy bulls sold to dearer trends.

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