
CTLX Carcoar Sheep Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

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Report Date: 19th February 2025

Total Yarding: 6,885


Numbers were down by 792 for a yarding of 3780 lambs. Quality was mixed with the majority of the yarding made up of light store and trade weights with a few good pens of heavyweights mixed throughout. All the regular buyers were operating.

Lightweight processing lambs to 18kg sold $10 to $15 dearer, ranging from $90 to $140/head. Trade weights 20kg to 24Kg were slightly cheaper, down $3, $158 to $208/head, averaging 790c to 850c/kg cwt. Heavyweights over 24Kg lifted 10 and sold to $226/head. Heavy hoggets reached $169/head.

There was 3105mixed quality mutton yarded and prices were $5 dearer across most grades. Merino ewes sold from $45 to $136, and crossbred ewes, $60 to $140/head. Merino wethers sold from $43 to $123, and crossbred wethers, $77 to $174/head. Most sold in the range of 380c to 439c/kg cwt.

Market reporter, Angus Williams

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