
CTLX Carcoar Sheep Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Lamb marking products on sale

Report Date: 4th December 2024

Total Yarding: 8,730


Numbers halved from last week with a yarding of 6615 lambs. Quality was mixed with mainly lightweight store lambs penned along with some good runs of trade weights and limited supplies of heavies. Most of the the regular buyers were operating.

Lightweight processing lambs to 18kg were back $5, new season lambs sold from $50 to $140, and old lambs, $90 to $140/head. Lightweight store lambs under 20kg were also down $5, $50 to $171/head.

Trade weights 20kg to 24Kg lifted $5 to $8, new season lambs selling from $175 to $220, averaging 840c to 880c/kg cwt, and old lambs, $179 to $220/head. Heavy weight new season lambs over 24Kg held firm, $223 to to $260/head, to average between 860c and 910c/kg cwt. Heavy hoggets reached $180/head.

There was 2115 mixed quality mutton yarded, and prices lifted $5 to $10 across most grades. Merino ewes sold from $51 to$125, and crossbred ewes, $65 to $150/head. Heavy crossbred wethers sold to $130 and rams to $40/head. Most sold between 400c and 440c/kg cwt.

Market reporter, Angus Williams

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