
Naracoorte Sheep Market Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Report Date: 17th December 2024

Total Yarding: 12,849


`Lamb numbers increased for the final sale of the year, influenced by the strong prices being paid by processors leading into the Christmas break. Quality remained mixed and once again it was the better presented and finished lambs which received the best support from buyers. Selling agents quoted the market as firm to $5/head dearer over the average trade lambs but with the more stylish and better covered heavier types above 23kg cwt gaining $10 and more at times. Store lamb competition also lifted with lambs to the paddock and feeders averaging about $5/head better than a week ago.

The sale reached a top of $299 for a small pen of export lambs judged to be around 32kg cwt. This price was well clear of the other lead drafts which were under 30kg cwt and sold from $220 to $265/head. The better quality trade lambs $178 to $242/head. On a carcass basis the quote was 880c to 950c/kg cwt for best presented trade and heavier processing lambs, with the average run of trade and lighter lambs in the 820c to 880c/kg range. Store lambs with frame size mostly $135 to $155/head, and smaller types from $110 to $130 for the better bred lines.

Mutton prices improved to track either side of 400c/kg cwt agents said. Heavy crossbred and composite ewes from $112 to a top of $135/head. General run of ewes $60 to $105 for most.

Note: This was the final sale at Naracoorte for 2024, with prime markets to resume on Tuesday, January 7.

Report compiled remotely by Jenny Kelly..

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