
Pakenham Cattle Market Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Keep The Sheep

Report Date: 24th June 2024

Total Yarding: 1,205


There were approximately 800 export and 400 young cattle penned representing an increase of 70 head week-on-week. Most of the usual buying group was present and operating in a mixed market. Quality was limited with Wintry cattle throughout. Well finished trade cattle were in short supply and sold a little dearer where quality allowed while secondary and plainer young cattle unsuited to feeder orders eased. Grown steers lifted 8c/kg while bullocks were in short supply. Friesian manufacturing steers lifted 10c/kg while the crossbred portion held firm. Heavy beef cows sold firm while light conditioned dairy lots eased up to 20c/kg. Heavy bulls lifted 5c/kg.

Vealers sold from 226c to 395c/kg. Yearling trade steers made between 330c and 385c/kg. Yearling heifers to the trade sold between 268c and 385c/kg. Grown steers and bullocks made from 300c to 352c/kg.

Heavy Friesian manufacturing steers sold from 210c to 278c with the crossbred portion from 226c to 325c/kg. Most light and medium weight cows made between 116c and 222c/kg. Heavy weight cows sold mostly between 176c and 262c/kg. Heavy bulls made from 252c to 286c/kg.

Market reporter: Brendan Fletcher.

CBH Fertiliser

Keep The Sheep
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