
TRLX Tamworth Sheep Report

Lamb marking products on sale

Report Date: 24th February 2025

Total Yarding: 5,000


Tamworth penned 5000 sheep and lambs including 3000 lambs and 2000 grown sheep an increase of 830 head. There were limited pens of properly finished lambs and a big increase in forward store lambs given the area needs substantial rain to be able to finish their product. Oddly enough there was a big demand from fatteners who do have ample feed and are able to do the job. Grown sheep also improved in value.

Very light lambs to the paddock $40 to $70/head with heavier drafts $60 to $122/head. Very forward crossbred lambs to the paddock $150 to $158/head. Trades sold $142 to $155/head heavy trades making to $204/head. Heavy lambs strong $220 to $230/head. Extra heavies sold to $252/head. Hoggets dearer $106 to $130/head.

Young Merino ewes made to $118/head and the wether portion to $115/head. Light ewes sold $65 to $76/head and heavy crossbred ewes to $132/head. The best Merino wethers sold to $111/head and crosbreds made $140/head.

Stephen Adams MLA

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Keep The SheepLamb marking products on sale

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