
Powranna Sheep Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Report Date: 17th December 2024

Total Yarding: 2,605


There was a much smaller yarding of 1,613 lambs (1,453 less) at Powranna on Tuesday being the last sale for 2024. Quality wasn’t as good with not as much weight as last week’s very good yarding. Most prices were similar to few dollars dearer with restockers paying $94 to $140 for light lambs and $130 to $140 for light trade.
Processors paid $140 to $168 for light trade, $166 to $184 for trade and $198 to $218 for heavy pens.

There was also a much smaller number of 992 mutton (1,197 less) and with fewer buyers prices lost last week’s gains with extra heavy sheep making $76 to $90, heavy $68 to $84 and medium $44 to $78/head.

Market Reporter Richard Bailey

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