
Powranna Sheep Report

All data provided by 
Meat & Livestock Australia Saleyard Reports

Report Date: 23rd July 2024

Total Yarding: 2,218


There was a smaller yarding of 1,154 lambs at Powranna on Tuesday with not as much weight as last week. The market was similar without the extremes of last sale.
Processors paid $85 to $148 for light trade, $196 to $214 for trade and $234 to $256 for heavy lambs. Restockers bought light lambs for $40 to $60.

There was a larger yarding of 1,064 mutton and with less interest prices were $15 to $30 cheaper with light sheep least affected. Extra heavy sheep made $112 to $118, heavy $88 to $114, medium $82 to $108, light $50 to $84 and very light $34 to $68/ head.

Market Reporter Richard Bailey

CBH Fertiliser

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